Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Hemorrhoid Treatment For Kids

The main cause of hemorrhoids in children is constipation. Constipation is reasonably common in children and therefore special care should be taken to avoid it. Constipation can be caused by dehydration, lack of fiber in your diet, and lack of exercise. As most children are highly actives, it’s unlikely that lack of exercise is a contributing factor to their hemorrhoids.

Children don’t have the same options for hemorrhoid treatment as adults. Surgery for example is almost always out of the question – it’s just too harsh on children and can have long last physical and emotional effects. A lot of the time hemorrhoid treatment in children can be treated by simply changing their diets. Make sure they have a lot of fruit and vegetables in their diets and most importantly a lot of fiber. Cereals are a great source of fiber, as are beans and lentils. Try working these into the child’s diet to see effect it has.

Increase the child’s liquid intakes. Fruit juice is good as the children will enjoy it and it will also help provide a good amount of vitamins which can help strengthen vein walls – this preventing the chance of hemorrhoids occurring.
Keep the affected area clean at all times and try giving the child a warm bath several times daily – while this will not cure the hemorrhoids it will sooth the pain.


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  2. You can cure hemorrhoids in 48 hours with natural home remedies, How to get rid of hemorrhoids

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Whenever my child suffered from this issue. I seek suggestions from internet. I just found some good home remedies for hemorrhoids and that is : drinking sufficient water, eating a high fiber higher nutrient diet, reduce tension, and do not stress whenever defecating and so on.
